Chissick Chat, part twenty-two, with May Jackie Panayi
Welcoming May Jackie Panayi to part 22 of the Chissick Chat Blog!
Hello, May Jackie Panayi, a full time author from the south east coast of the UK. Please can you introduce yourself and tell us a little about yourself and your books?

My name is May Panayi, and I’m fifty four, live in Brighton UK, and am a self-employed writer, full time.
I have always written ever since I was a little kid. In fact I had my first poem published in the local Gazette at age five, back in 1967. It was a pretty simple little ditty called In a Rage, about a kid who had a tantrum because they didn't get what they wanted for tea, but apparently the paper thought it was good.
Then throughout the school years, I wrote poems and short stories, and entered competitions for writing whenever I came across them. I even hand published a little magazine for the kids in my street for a few years. When I stopped doing that, a few of the parents asked me why I had stopped as they had enjoyed reading it. I suppose my readership was different from the target audience I had intended.
In the eighties I published a few issues of a fanzine called Mad and Bloody. It interviewed local bands, and covered various political and underground issues. Underground zines were a really big movement back then, it was a lot of fun to do.
After that I just kept plugging away at it for quite a lot of years. I entered poetry and short stories into competitions, winning or placing now and again. I was published in a few anthologies. I also regularly wrote articles and fillers for various magazines. The best and highest paid one was a travel article I wrote on the Gambia, that was published with about eight of my photographs to illustrate it.
I have written fourteen books at this point in time, a mixture of non fiction and fiction. Five have been novels. I am currently working on a collection of short stories, following which I will be completing my Sun trilogy, set in Greece. Find out more on my author website at
What, or who, inspires you?
I have always loved Stephen King, and am inspired by him because he is so prolific, and writes in such a down to earth, accessible way. His book for writers called On Writing, is packed with really helpful stuff.
Do you enjoy reading the same genre as the one you write in?
I have written one horror novel, Malbed Mews, but it was not the one I enjoyed writing the most, though it does sell quite well. My friends call me the eclectic indie, because I have written across so many different genres. My best selling novels are the travel romance ‘Sun’ series. I most enjoyed writing The Difficult Journey which is more in the style of J.G.Ballard, who I do read.
Has any of your research taken you to an unusual place?
I travel a lot anyway, and incorporate my journeys into a lot of my fiction. But psychologically, writing Four to Dawn took me to a really unusual place. I can’t say why without giving out spoilers, but it was very tricky to write.
What are you working on at the moment?
A book sized collection of short stories called Tales from the Library of a Twisted Mind. It is a rather dark collection of short stories, each a bit twisted in its own way.
What are your future writing plans?
Next in my writing queue is a book called In Search of Small Treasures, which is the concluding book in the Sun trilogy, set in Greece. Book one is Sun Sea and Secrets, and book two is Return to Aegos. They all stand alone, but I will be releasing a trilogy collection as well as the final book.
Is there anything you don’t like about writing/being an author?
I’d love to say no, but it wouldn’t be true. The down side is bad reviews and trolls, unfathomable promotion techniques, and sudden unexplained drop offs in sales. The plus sides more than make up for all that though.

Quick Fire Questions …
Tea or coffee? Tea
Sweet snack or savoury snack? Savoury
Real book or ebook? I read both pretty equally.
Cinema or DVD? DVD or Netflix.
Cat or dog? Cat
Weepie or action movie? I like both.
And to Finish, What is your favourite …
Food? I’m a real foodie, I love so many things, and cooking too. Lobster thermidor is up there, but nothing beats a good curry, or a nice Sunday roast; thinking about the venison I’m roasting tomorrow now...nom nom nom!
Drink? A good white wine, Chablis or Sancere.
Movie? Just one? Impossible! Matrix is an all time favourite, but there are so many.
Book? Same as above, but my favourite Stephen King is The Stand.
Colour? To look at- purple. To wear- brown autumnal colours.
Saying/Proverb? The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about- Oscar Wilde.
Song? Not big on the music but I like blues, 60s, 70s stuff, some rock. Top of my head, Janis Joplin -Bobby Mcgee.
Pudding/dessert? Anything lemon. Lemon meringue pie.
Thanks for joining me today, I loving the sound of your twisted tales, and you've put me in the mood for lemon meringue pie!