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Welcoming the 'Chissick Chat' Blog


It’s been quite a while since I last entertained this blog – for good reasons …

First of all, I wanted to finish work on Ties That Harm, the highly anticipated sequel to my debut fiction, Ties That Bind.

Ties That Harm was released on 16th September 2016 in paperback and on ebook and has so far been well received. But now changes are afoot and I must move with the times.

As this was the third time around the self-publishing carousel for me, I have indeed learned a little, and so I will be putting to good use what I have learned while my characters take a break from acting out in my head.

Plans are already underway to vastly improve both covers of the “Ties Twins” (such a lush name for a pair of books), there might even be a box-set of the two … all of which I will keep you up to date with.

Yes, there are plans to write a recipe book too, which I’ve already started and which will include one or two of Alexandra and Gabriel’s favorites as well as my own.

And then there’s the story of Sebastian and Carol-Anne (Cat.) Their story will see the light of day, I’m just not sure when!

Not to mention the Erotic Anthology …

To top off all the excitement, I will be partaking of a little road trip this summer in the form of a short drive to Bradford, where I will be one of the authors in attendance for the INDIE LIT FEST 2017 :-O I am so excited about that, it will be the first time I’ve done ANYTHING like this, so if you want to come and meet me (and a bunch of crazy, excellent authors like me,) come along and pay us a visit. It’s FREE! And just so you know, I’ll be the shy one hiding under the table while my very good friend, Lisa, does all the talking … (just kidding, she will be poking me in the ribs until I speak!)

As part of the big overhaul, I’ve decided to resurrect my blog with a section I’m calling “Chissick Chat”. It will feature informal chats with me and over 26 other authors, all of whom are great authors, but are also amazing people who love what they do and do what they love, and I am happy and honored to call each one, a friend. While some are full time authors, others (like me) also have day jobs, but that doesn’t mean that any one of us loves writing, or our fans, any less than the other.

So I hope you enjoy catching up with the blog and come back over the next few weeks to find out about some of the lovely authors I know. Maybe by the end of it, you might have found your next favorite read!

I will be starting things off this weekend with two pieces from the lovely Lily Amis, Multi-Genre Author, Blogger & Artist who is also responsible for setting up the Facebook group, Authors Support Authors, a reassurance to all authors that it’s not OK to be expected to give away your work for free. Lily talks passionately about both writing and believing in what you’re worth, and I, for one, support her.

If there’s anything you want to talk about, please feel free to leave a comment below, or contact me using the ‘Contact Me’ form on the ‘Contact and Links’ page.

Thanks, and talk soon!


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