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Chissick Chat, part fifteen, with Janet Gogerty

Welcome to the Chissick Chat Blog. We are starting April by saying hello to Janet Gogerty, an author from Dorset in the UK who likes to embarrass her family … welcome to my blog. Please can you introduce yourself and tell us a little about yourself and your books?

I’m Janet Gogerty and I always write under my real name to embarrass my family and because I haven’t seen any other authors by that name. I started writing seriously when I joined a writers’ group, since then I have done many of the things aspiring authors do; enter short story competitions, subscribe to writing magazines, read The Writers and Artists’ Year Book from cover to cover (I won a copy for my star letter in Writing Magazine), been to Winchester Writers’ Conference, sent first chapters to agents. Then I went digital and started a whole new way of life; publishing on Amazon Kindle, creating a website, writing blogs, joining writers’ on line forums… I have a trilogy, a stand alone novel and two short story collections published on Amazon Kindle. I also have short stories published on line and in paper and audio anthologies. Visit my website to read fiction and non fiction and see lots of pictures.

What, or who, inspires you?

People and life.

Do you enjoy reading the same genre as the one you write in?

Yes, to an extent; my trilogy and many of my short stories could be called science fiction, but they are all about real ordinary people faced with the extraordinary. I read many kinds of fiction, but steer clear of anything involving dragons, other planets or fantasy worlds; though I am willing to be proved wrong!

Has any of your research taken you to an unusual place?

Only in my head.

What are you working on at the moment?

My novel ‘At The Seaside Nobody Hears You Scream’, a novella and my third short story collection.

What are your future writing plans?

Keep on writing short stories and novels, perhaps some work inspired by my past.

Is there anything you don’t like about writing/being an author?

Keeping up with technology and marketing.

Quick Fire Questions …

Tea or coffee? Both alternating.

Sweet snack or savoury snack? Chocolate.

Real book or ebook? Both.

Cinema or DVD? Cinema. I don’t go often, but I like the experience of being totally involved. At home I end up knitting, putting the kettle on, sneaking a look at my phone, answering the phone…

Cat or dog? Dog.

Weepie or action movie? Weepie.

And to Finish, What is your favourite …

Food? Roast chicken.

Drink? Tea.

Movie? Amadeus.

Book? I can’t decide, but there are books you never forget and many you do.

Colour? Yellow.

Saying/Proverb? Anything my mother said. I’m always quoting her.

Song? Bohemian Rhapsody

Pudding/dessert? Anything chocolate.

Thanks for taking part, Janet, good luck with your future plans.

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