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Chissick Chat, part twenty-three, with Lucinda E. Clarke

Welcome to the twenty third edition of the Chissick Chat Blog!

Today I'm chatting with Lucinda Clarke, an author born in Dublin who now lives in Spain. Welcome to my blog. Please can you introduce yourself and tell us a little about your and your books?

A little? I’ll try but there is an awful lot to tell. Lucinda E Clarke, that’s the name bit. OK, here comes the potted bio. Born in Dublin, dragged up in the Cotswolds and finished off in Liverpool. Went crofting in Scotland – minor disaster. Left in the Kenyan bush with seven week old baby – major disaster – six years in Libya until PI’d – huge disaster. Then it was Botswana and the ‘worst riding school in the world’, and South Africa where I ‘fell’ into writing for radio and television. Scribbled for a living, also making programmes for television and corporate companies etc.

Now I write for myself and not for clients, and have published 7 books so far. Three memoirs, one growing up as an abused child, and two about my adventures writing and filming. A politically incorrect satire set in Fairyland and three adventure novels starring my heroine Amie. All set in Africa, except for the fairy tale of course.

What, or who, inspires you?

I could lay the blame on the bank manager, but if I’m honest, I want to see the rest of the world and time is running out fast as I watch the wrinkles develop into craters. So I need to sell a zillion books so I can go ride a llama in the Chilean mountains, or scrawl graffiti on the Kremlin walls, or scare the sunbathers in Hawaii parading in my bikini.

My first inspiration was Enid Blyton, this precocious brat thought it would be easy to write exactly like her. I just loved her stories.

Do you enjoy reading the same genre as the one you write in?

Yes, generally but I am an avid reader and reviewer – at least 3 books a week and as many of them are indie books, my range has widened. I most enjoy adventure and books set in Africa – not too surprising. Also historical novels, crime, spy and political books. Not fond of fantasy – despite having published one – romance, vampires and erotica, I couldn’t write even a sex scene to save my life.

Has any of your research taken you to an unusual place?

Very often across my keyboard as the internet is a mine of information, thought I would share that with everyone in case someone hasn’t noticed. Much of my writing is based on my own wild experiences. I got to go deep rural in Africa and sat with witchdoctors, invited to Chief’s kagatla’s, dined with royalty, got charged by an elephant and a few other memorable things like that. But all my research on guns has been on the web.

What are you working on at the moment?

Against all odds, the fourth book in the Amie series. She’s now a fully fledged spy and is setting off again with a party of mis-matched Aid workers to uplift rural village life. This may be the last book as she is now suing me in the courts for all the angst and pain I have put her through. Heck, if she wins they might all have to come off Amazon!

What are your future writing plans?

In my dreams I strangle Amie, but I guess I will continue to write about her if I can, and I’d like to do a follow up on my Unhappily Ever After book, as now Cinderella has got her divorce she is having second thoughts.

Is there anything you don’t like about writing/being an author?

Moving from South Africa to Spain at a time when the Rand was at a real low, we were only able to buy a rabbit hutch sized bungalow, and I’m still learning to write alongside the TV and the radio and dear husband playing uTube videos. I HATE the marketing side with a passion. If I don’t keep at it, the ranking slips, if I do, I tremble I am spamming. No one will ever tell you the fine line between spamming and advertising. I mean my books are absolutely brilliant, but how can I say this when in reality I am shy and retiring?

Quick Fire Questions …

Tea or coffee? Coffee

Sweet snack or savoury snack? Chocolate and savoury (yes, I’m difficult)

Real book or ebook? Ebook, our rabbit hutch is too small to store too many books.

Cinema or DVD? Cinema, as I then can focus on the film – they won’t allow me to work on my laptop in the cinema.

Cat or dog? Dog, but we don’t have any pets now. In the past, I’ve had over 200 at the same time, not only dogs other animals as well.

Weepie or action movie? Action but not that Men in Black stuff. I like West Wing, House of Cards, The Bogias etc

And to Finish, What is your favourite …

Food? Italian, good comfort food.

Drink? Coffee, coffee and then more coffee

Movie? The one I remember the best? Sixth Sense, I actually watched that twice!

Book? You want one from the thousands? Perfect People by Peter James.

Colour? Dark red.

Saying/Proverb? sileas in tempore = Calm in hardship (bit of showing off here but it’s been my motto since I was a child and have I had to use it!)

Song? I will survive by Gloria Gaynor

Pudding/dessert? Chocolate mousse

Thanks for joining me, Lucinda, if you ever want to write a sex scene, let me know! (I love writing them)

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